EUTM file information



February 16, 2021

Trademark Summary

The trademark application DAVINCI was filed by FoodScience, LLC, a Limited Liability Company (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on March 8, 2021, and it was registered by office on June 15, 2021 without any oppositions.

The application was filed in English (French was selected as the second language).

Change of name and address of the trademark registration was recorded on May 30, 2021. Change of name and address of the trademark registration was recorded on August 23, 2021.

Goods And Services

  • The mark was filed in class 5 with Full line of dietary and nutritional supplements.
  • The mark was filed in class 35 with On-line retail store services connected with the sale of dietary supplements, food supplements, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, vitamin supplements, mineral supplements, multi-vitamin preparations and mineral supplements.
  • The mark was filed in class 40 with Private label services in the nature of custom manufacturing of dietary supplements, food supplements, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, vitamin supplements, mineral supplements, multi-vitamin preparations and mineral supplements and Contract manufacturing services in the field of nutrition, namely, dietary supplements, food supplements, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, vitamin supplements, mineral supplements, multi-vitamin preparations and mineral supplements..