EUTM file information



April 12, 2021

Trademark Summary

The trademark application RZN was filed by RCB Nanotechnologies GmbH, a corporation established under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (the "Applicant"). The application was published for oppositions on July 25, 2021, and it was registered by office on November 1, 2021 without any oppositions.

The application was filed in German (English was selected as the second language).

Change of name and address of the trademark registration was recorded on August 3, 2021.

Goods And Services

  • The mark was filed in class 1 with Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations, and natural elements.
  • The mark was filed in class 2 with Dyes, colorants, pigments and inks.
  • The mark was filed in class 17 with Finished or semi-finished goods, of materials included in the class, specified for use, namely Elastomer polymers for making tyres.